Collaborative Care: Working with Your Physical Therapist during Cancer Treatment

Collaborative Care: Working with Your Physical Therapist during Cancer Treatment

June 14, 2023

Cancer treatments can take a toll on the body, leaving patients with a variety of physical side effects. Physical therapy can be a critical component of cancer care, helping patients manage pain, regain strength, and improve quality of life. Collaborating closely with your physical therapist can ensure that you are receiving the best possible care and maximizing the benefits of your therapy.

Importance of Collaborative Care during Cancer Treatment

Collaborative care involves working with a team of healthcare professionals to manage all aspects of cancer treatment. Physical therapists are an essential part of this team, as they can help patients manage a wide range of physical side effects, including muscle weakness, fatigue, joint pain, and lymphedema. Physical therapy can also help patients prepare for surgery and recover more quickly afterward.

Working collaboratively with your physical therapist can ensure that your care is coordinated and comprehensive. Your physical therapist can work with your oncologist, surgeon, and other healthcare providers to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Together, you can monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments to your therapy, and ensure that you are receiving the best possible care.

Tips for Effective Collaboration with Your Physical Therapist

Effective collaboration with your physical therapist starts with good communication. Be honest about your symptoms and how you are feeling, and ask questions if you don’t understand something. Your physical therapist can help you understand your diagnosis and treatment options, and can provide guidance on exercises and other strategies to manage your symptoms.

It’s also important to be an active participant in your therapy. Follow your physical therapist’s recommendations for exercises and other interventions, and track your progress so that you can see the benefits of your therapy over time. Don’t hesitate to speak up if you have concerns about your therapy or if you are experiencing new or worsening symptoms. Your physical therapist can work with you to adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Finally, make sure that you are communicating regularly with your entire healthcare team. Your physical therapist can work with your other providers to ensure that your care is coordinated, and can provide updates on your progress and any changes to your therapy. By working collaboratively, you can achieve better outcomes and improve your quality of life during cancer treatment.

Collaborative care is essential for managing the physical side effects of cancer treatment. By working closely with your physical therapist and other healthcare providers, you can receive comprehensive and coordinated care that addresses all aspects of your treatment and recovery. Use these tips to effectively collaborate with your physical therapist and achieve the best possible outcomes.