Pelvic Health Physical Therapy: Improving Bladder and Bowel Control and Overall Quality of Life

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy: Improving Bladder and Bowel Control and Overall Quality of Life

June 13, 2023

Table of Contents


Do you experience discomfort or pain in your pelvic area? Do you struggle with bowel or bladder control? These symptoms can be embarrassing and frustrating, but they are also common. Millions of Americans, including men and women of all ages, experience problems with their pelvic health. Fortunately, there is help available. Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is a specialized area of Physical Therapy that can help you overcome these issues and improve your quality of life.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about pelvic health physical therapy. We’ll explain what it is, how it works, and what conditions it can help. We’ll also discuss the benefits of pelvic health physical therapy, what to expect during treatment, and how to find a qualified pelvic health physical therapist near you.

What is Pelvic Health Physical Therapy?

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is a specialized area of Physical Therapy that focuses on the treatment of conditions that affect the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder, uterus, rectum, and other pelvic organs. These muscles play a crucial role in bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and overall pelvic health.

During a pelvic health physical therapy session, a licensed Physical Therapist will evaluate your pelvic floor muscles and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. The treatment plan may include exercises to improve muscle strength and flexibility, as well as manual therapies such as soft tissue massage or biofeedback.

How Does Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Work?

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy works by addressing the underlying causes of pelvic floor dysfunction. A licensed Physical Therapist will work with you to identify any muscle imbalances or weaknesses that may be contributing to your symptoms. They will then develop a personalized treatment plan to help you improve muscle strength, flexibility, and control.

Treatment may include a variety of techniques, including:

  • Exercise: Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegels, can help improve muscle strength and control. Your Physical Therapist may also recommend other exercises to target specific pelvic floor muscles.
  • Manual Therapy: Soft tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy can help release tension and improve muscle function.
  • Biofeedback: This technique uses sensors to show you how well you are contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. This can help you learn to better control these muscles.
  • Education: Your Physical Therapist will work with you to teach you how to properly contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles, as well as other strategies for improving pelvic health.

What Conditions Can Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Help?

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can help with a wide range of conditions that affect pelvic health. Some of the most common conditions include:

  • Urinary Incontinence: This is the involuntary loss of urine. It can be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles, overactive bladder muscles, or other factors.
  • Fecal Incontinence: This is the involuntary loss of bowel control. It can be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles, nerve damage, or other factors.
  • Pelvic Pain: This can include pain in the pelvic region, lower back, or genitals. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle tension, nerve damage, or inflammation.
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse: This occurs when one or more pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, bulge into the vaginal canal. It can be caused by weak pelvic floor muscles, childbirth, or other factors.
  • Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can be helpful for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. It can help prepare the pelvic floor muscles for delivery and aid in recovery after childbirth.

What Are the Benefits of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy?

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy has several potential benefits, including:

  • Improved Pelvic Health: Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can help you improve your pelvic floor muscle strength and control, which can lead to improved bladder and bowel control, reduced pain and discomfort, and a better quality of life.
  • Avoiding Surgery: In some cases, Pelvic Health Physical Therapy may be an effective alternative to surgery for conditions such as urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Improved Sexual Function: Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can improve sexual function by helping you build stronger, more flexible pelvic floor muscles.
  • Improved Quality of Life: By addressing your pelvic health concerns, Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your daily life.

What Should You Expect During Pelvic Health Physical Therapy?

If you’re considering Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, here’s what you can expect during your first session:

  • Evaluation: Your Physical Therapist will evaluate your pelvic floor muscle function and discuss your symptoms and concerns with you.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan: Your Physical Therapist will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and goals.
  • Education: our Physical Therapist will teach you how to properly contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles, as well as other strategies for improving pelvic health.
  • Exercises and Therapy: Your treatment plan may include a variety of exercises and therapies to help you improve your pelvic floor muscle strength and control.
  • Follow-up Visits: You may need to attend several follow-up visits to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.

How to Find a Qualified Pelvic Health Physical Therapist

If you think Pelvic Health Physical Therapy may be right for you, it’s important to find a qualified Physical Therapist with experience in this specialized area. Here are some tips for finding a qualified Pelvic Health Physical Therapist:

  • Ask for Referrals: Ask your primary care provider or gynecologist for a referral to a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist.
  • Check Credentials: Look for a Physical Therapist who is licensed in your state and has experience working with pelvic health conditions. The American Physical Therapy Association provides a directory of specialists in pelvic health physical therapy.
  • Consider Location: Look for a Physical Therapist who is conveniently located for you in your area like ‘’ with various locations in Tennessee or has telehealth services if there are no specialists in your area.
  • Read Reviews: Check online reviews or ask for referrals from current or past patients to get an idea of the Physical Therapist’s experience and patient satisfaction.


Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is a highly effective treatment for several conditions that affect pelvic health. By working with a qualified Physical Therapist, you can improve your pelvic floor muscle strength and control, reduce pain and discomfort, and achieve a better quality of life. Whether you’re dealing with urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, or another pelvic health condition, Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can help.