Elizabeth Reece

Elizabeth Reece

OTR/L– Clinic Director

Clinic: Bean Station
Elizabeth Reece, an Occupational Therapy professional, completed her Master’s in Occupational Therapy from Milligan College in 2015. Her journey in OT began in college, sparked by her work with children with special needs at the YMCA summer camp. Her professional life is characterized by:

  • A deep passion for improving her patients’ daily lives
  • A commitment to overcoming obstacles in patient care

Outside of her professional pursuits, Elizabeth’s personal life is rooted in Church Hill, where she resides with her husband and two daughters. Her community and personal interests include:

  • Active involvement in her church, particularly in children’s ministries
  • A love for the outdoors and exploring new places
  • Quality family time
  • A hobby in photography

Elizabeth’s blend of professional dedication and personal interests showcases her holistic approach to life, balancing her career in Occupational Therapy with her commitments to family, community, and personal passions.